Is there help for anxiety and guilt issues, with hypnotherapy after overcoming drug addiction?

Dec 17, 2022 | Anxiety

Many folk who have gone through rehab deal later with anxiety and guilt issues & more.   State rehabilitation deals with the addiction but often does not deal with the aftermath. The aftermath can be helped with non-prescription supplements such as amino acids. These amino acids are depleted in the brain & body during addiction & withdrawal.  People can do their own research about this on line as we do not give medical advice. 

However…..Hypnotherapy can help with the emotional fallout from addictions.  As far as this clinical hypnotherapist is concerned we do not treat clients in full-blown addiction. The primary reason is that hypnosis is a natural yet altered state but if you are already in an altered state i e under the influence of drugs or alcohol all the time …then hypnotherapy is very unlikely to work effectively.

Many of the emotional issues after drug addiction relate to low self-worth and self-esteem, having put oneself in that situation to begin with…and guilt about events that happened within the addiction time, e.g. traumatic events…& we can help with that.

Please read reviews & note that we perform routinely …trauma reversals which remove all negative emotion associated with an event. We have performed many dozens of these reversals. More info at intake.  Please contact us;  we are here to help.


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